Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Made Greens Taste Like Cherry Pie

This is definitely going on the Thanksgiving menu. It tastes like cherry pie filling which is amazing and surprising.

  • Onion, chopped
  • 2 slices bacon, diced
  • garlic
  • chopped radish (like 5 radishes)
  • Sweet Vermouth
  • Big bunch of kale, washed, stems removed
  • Head of frise lettuce from my garden (yes I found time to clear the old plot and throw some see down).
  • Radish greens

This is mostly kale and frise, mostly kale really.

Cook bacon in a big saute pan. Add onion, garlic and radish chunks. Cook for 10 minutes or so.

Deglaze with about a cup of sweet vermouth! I think this is key to the cherry pie flavor.

Add the greens and some salt. Cover and cook on medium for about 10-15 minutes (until greens are tender).

Mix it all up and eat with anything.

Seriously, cherry pie.

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I'm back!

The long respite was due to a move. The wife and I are now back on the Eastern Shore of Maryland where she has started her new job. And our first baby due December 4th! Big events = no blogging.

I hope to detail my Thanksgiving menu in the coming week before the big day, but once the baby is here, posts will likely be sporadic.

For today, I'll just stick with my simple vegetable lunch: Sautéed mushrooms and carrots with cumin.

This gets back to what I like best about cooking, throwing some stuff in a pan with spices and see what happens.

Butter, olive oil, hot pan. Cumin seeds, black cumin seeds, sizzle. Sliced mushrooms, don't crowd the pan!, brown. Sliced garlic clove. Roughly chopped carrots. Salt and pepper to taste. Toss until carrots are just soft, put veggies in bowl. Deglazed with some left over Pinot Grigio, it set fire, set off smoke alarm sending little dog hiding under a bed the rest of the day. Reduced and spooned over vegetables.

This wasn't that great a combination. I think the black cumin seeds actually over cooked a bit. Rosemary and fennel maybe a better choice. Oh well, its healthy.

Note on the wine fire, we got a new stove here and I'm not used to the power of the 17,000 BTU burner yet. It flambés well, I can tell you that.